Volunteer at the City

If you are interested in volunteering at the City, please download, complete and return the Volunteer Application. For any questions regarding this form, please call City Hall at 541-995-6655.

Because so many of our volunteer opportunities are with children, we make sure that volunteers go through a background check.  You will need to bring your state issued ID, and social security card when you turn in the application.  (The background check authorization asks for this as well)  This information is required for the background check to be ran through the Oregon State Police.  Minors under 18 will need to bring their school ID card, if they don't have a driver's license. 

Volunteers also go through an orientation, as it's important that you have all the tools you need to be an awesome volunteer!  You must have the background check, and the orientation complete, before you are allowed to volunteer in any city department. 

Welcome to the team, and for helping to make Harrisburg a fantastic place to live!