2023-3 Pacific NW Marathon-Fri, Sept 15 & Sat, Sept 16, 2023-Approved

Calendar Date:
Friday, September 15, 2023 (All day) to Saturday, September 16, 2023 (All day)

PUBLIC EVENT PERMIT REQUESTThe Pacific Northwest Marathon is a full marathon, that is a USATF qualifier for the Boston Marathon.  The Expo part of the event, on Friday night, along with the actual races on Saturday, will start at the middle school bus driveway at the middle school.  The Marathon starts at 7:00am, the Half Marathon starts at 8:00am, while both the 10K and 5K start at 9:00am.  The routes will use city streets, and then will segue to County Roads outside of town. 

SITE LOCATION: The event is being held at Harrisburg Middle School Bus Driveway, located at 201 S. 6th St on Friday, Sept 15 from 2:00-9:00pm, and on Saturday, Sept 16, from 5:00am to 4:00pm.  (Noise from 4:00pm – 7:00pm on Friday, and 9:00am – 2:00pm on Saturday.) Parking will be in the middle school area on Friday night, but on Saturday, runners and fans are being directed to the High School Parking Lot.

Property owners on the route have the right to contact the City, and to comment on any of the proposed conditions that will apply to the event.  The application, with route map, is available to download on the bottom of this web page.  The proposed conditions of approval are below.  Anyone who wishes to make a comment or has concerns can contact the City Administrator, Michele Eldridge, at 541-995-2200, or by email at meldridge@ci.harrisburg.or.us,or may also mail comments to the City of Harrisburg, PO Box 378, Harrisburg, Or 97446. Comments must be received by Monday, September 4, 2023 at 5:00pm.


The following conditions of approval apply to the Pacific NW Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K Public Event, being held on Fri, Sept 15, and Sat, Sept 16, Permit #2023-03.

  1. Consistency with Plans – The public event shall comply with the dates, plans and narrative in the application, except as modified by this approval.
  2. Non-City Property Consent – The applicant is responsible for obtaining consent to use any property not owned and controlled by the City. This shall include property belonging to the Harrisburg School District, as well as roads that are under the jurisdiction of Linn County. A Facility Use Permit is required from the School District, and a Road Permit is required from Linn County.
  3. Race Routes – Shall be well-marked.  Runners should remain on pedestrian and bike right-of-way areas.  Event organizers should post signs that an event is being held and for drivers to exhibit caution as they share the road with runners.
  4. Street Crossings - The applicant shall provide Race Monitors at all street crossings on the race route.  The purpose of the Monitors is to protect race participants; the public and vehicle traffic and prevent conflict to the greatest extent practical. Monitors shall be trained in their ability to stop traffic if needed.
  5. Notifications to Participants - Runners shall be cautioned prior to each race that they are sharing the roadway with live vehicle traffic, and other pedestrians.  Disabled pedestrians shall be given the right-of-way.  Runners shall not run in groups that are larger than the right-of-way that is available. 
  6. Compliance with Other Agency Permits – The applicant shall comply with all permits, licenses, etc. and any conditions related thereto obtained for this Public Event.
  7. Sanitary Facilities – Sanitary facilities are required.  The applicant can arrange to use the facilities at the Middle School, or may pay to have a sanitary unit brought to the race start/end point, and to other locations on the race course.
  8. Signage – The applicant must have signage that shows the route location.  Stop Signs should be available if needed at the corner of LaSalle & 6th St., at 6th & Priceboro, and on LaSalle & 9th.   No Parking Signs shall be placed as shown on the Route included with the Event Application. 
  9. Trash & Debris – The applicant shall be responsible to ensure any trash and debris is removed from the streets and any publicly owned land after the event.
  10. Amplified Noise – The applicant shall not allow to be played any amplified noise more than two hours ahead of the event, or two hours following.
  11. Dust – The applicant shall not do any activity that causes or creates unreasonable amounts of dust to travel from the event site to neighboring properties.