Fence Permits

The City of Harrisburg has a free city permit for any fence under 7' tall. Fences over 7' tall, regardless of materials used, require a regular building permit.  For more information in regards to fence requirements, please pull up the Fence Permit in the middle of this webpage. Don't forget that you will need to do a free locate call, in order to have the utility companies come and mark your property for where the utility lines come in.  However, please bear in mind that while they can tell you where the lines go into your property, it's up to you to know where they are located on your private property.  In many cases, you can trace from where the line comes in to your property, to where your service comes into your house.  The locate number, and other information is on the fence permit itself. Make sure you turn in your request for a fence permit a week or two before you plan on building.  It takes approximately 3 to 4 days to get approval.